Most of your Toronto and GTA area police tickets fall under The Highway Traffic Act and carry demerit points which are applied to your driver’s licence and are recorded on your driving abstract by The Ministry of Transportation. When you reach a specific number of points your licence can be suspended for a period between 30-60 days (depending on licence), which can lead to an increase in auto insurance premiums. The number of points leading to a suspension differs according to whether you possess a full licence (G or M licence), or are a newly licenced driver (G1, G2, M1, M2 licence). Regardless of the number of points for a suspension to occur, we recommend you fight all tickets in order to maintain a clean record at all times as demerit points stay on your record for a period of 2 years from the offence date.
- Fail to Stop for Police
- Fail to Remain at scene of Accident
- Racing
- Speeding 50 km/h or higher over limit
- Follow Too Close
- Speeding 16- 29 km/h over limit
- Disobey Stop Sign
- Red Light
- Fail to stop on right for Emergency Vehicle
- Improper Use of HOV Lane
- Fail to Signal
- Improper Right/Left Turns
- Disobey Signs
- Fail to Wear Seatbelt